
Dolce & Gabbana Cosmetics - Haul & Review

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I originally uploaded this post last week but unfortunately Blogger had all those technical difficulties and it was taken down and LOST! I'm now kicking myself that I don't keep a backup of my lengthier blog posts... It's definitely something i need to consider. If you blog let me know if you keep a backup and also if the blogger problems affected you, i was so upset that my post was lost!

So, originally I was drawn to Dolce & Gabbana Cosmetics because of the heartbreakingly beautiful Scarlett Johanssen and the amazing promo pictures. Don't they just scream old Hollywood and Marilyn Monroe?

When it comes it makeup I can be very gullable and jump on fads, it's just part of the unfortunate addiction... So if something alludes to giving me the look of Marilyn Monroe, my idol, *almost* regardless of the price point and previous reviews I just cannot resist and I must haul.

So haul I did.........................

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